Super4 USB relay board with Linux
lrelayset 1.0
C Source code is here: main version 1.0
10-12-2007 Version 1.0 First release.
lrelayset is a console application to control TCTEC Super4 Relay boards.
It can be used in scripts or called from other applications.
Example Script
Edited with Geany,
Compiled with gcc,
Developed on Puppy Linux
lrelayset uses a dynamic library from FTDI (
Stable version (use this version) :
A symbolic link to this file called "" must be placed in your /usr/lib/ directory.
lrelayset [-l,-s,-u][board serial number][mask][-tOptional time in milliseconds]
Static lib version of lrelayset
Version 2 updated October 2010
Uses static ftdi library 'libftdi', works under UBUNTU